2023 Member Exhibition
The Georgia Watercolor Society is pleased to have the reknowned watercolorist Iain Stewart judge and jury our 2023 Member Exhibition. It was on display at the Thomasville Center for the Arts in Thomasville, GA from August 16 through September 29, 2023.

"Cannery Study 1", William Hook, First Place

"Flamingos 4", Sandra Webster, Second Place

"Is It Five Yet?", Rebecca Mentz, Third Place

"Beyond the Blue", Bonnie Rabert, Fourth Place

"Splash", Mary Kirsch, Fifth Place

"Breezy", William McKeown", Sixth Place

"Peaches on Foil", Suzanne Thigpen, Honorable Mention

"Resting at Cologne Cathedral", Bill Whittaker, Honorable Mention

"What the Flock?", Suzanna Winton, Honorable Mention

"Death Row", Mary O Smith, Honorable Mention

"Nugget and Daisy", Cindy Inman, People's Choice Award

"Canada Geese", Loretta Addison

"Of Women and Mushrooms", Andreea Alunei

"Freddie", Del Bentley-Pounds

"High Street", Durinda Cheek

"NYC", Rosie Coleman

"NOLA Jazz", Mary Ann Cox

"Matched Pair", Kay Cromartie

"Whatchamacallit Thingamajig", Audrey Crumbley

"White Poppy", Elizabeth Davis

"Count Your Blessings", Fran Dellaporta

"Ode to Spring", Amber Dong

"Keep Out", Barbara Edwards

"Old Truck Greenhouse 2", Karl Everett

"Sebbie 2", Kerrie Everett

"Prickly Pear Fruit", Patrick Faile

"Celebration in Paris", Kathy Rennell Forbes

"Another Day on Planet Earth", Tracy Foutz-Hunt

"Nature's Abstraction", Karen Fratalli

"Perpetual Spring", Echo Gates

"Cherries Galore", Arnold German

"Marsh View", Warren Griffin

"To the Best of Us", Leslie Guo

"Unapologetic Jaguar", Lisa Guyton

"Buddies", Lori Hammer

"Caustic Heat", Joshua Hatfield

"The Dilemma", Lesleyann Hawthorn

"Fritillaria imperialis - Orange Drop”, Drew Jernigan

"Whoosh", Kie Johnson

"On the Road 3", Myong Johnston

"Rapt", Gail Karwoski

"A Patch of Sunlight", Shannon Kelly

"Diamorpha", Kim Kennedy

"You're Next", Steve Kippels

"Drift Wood, Buck Island, USVI", Mark Lang

"English Peony", Paula Lansford

"#692 Cedar Waxwing", William Lum

"Life's Music", Janice Matthews

"Blocking Traffic", Rebessa McDuffie

"Pairpointe Compote with Berries", Mary Ellen McLaughlin

"Myers Cow", Carolyn Molder

"A.J. Henry Park Trail", Yoshiko Murdick

"Allusive Metaphor", Karin Murray

"Blue Ladies", Verena Murvin

"Do You Sea What I Sea?", Daryl Nicholson

'Still Standing", Stan O'Bannon

"Thought and Memory", Grace Outlaw

"Bow View", Mike Parramore

"Rock Corral Ranch Stables", Sandra Parker

"Blue Ridge B&B", Barbara Ratner

"Woodstock", Richard Rice

"Larry the LLama", Janet Rodekohr

"Splendor in the Grass", Karen Romani

"Color My World", Elena Scibelli

"Around the Bend", Alan Smith

"GMC-Me", Mary Spellings

"Watch Your Step", Anne Strack

"Inn for Repairs", Julian Tablada

"Tis the Season", Dana Thompson

"View from Bell Mountain", Virginia Tinsley

"Head of the Class", Vicki Tucker

"Glorious Morning", Genia Tyson

"Lilies in the Mist", Viviane Van Giesen

"Casting" Christine Walker

"Going Green", Gail Watson

"Shelter from the Storm", Susan Wehling

"Fading Love", Madelyn Wharton

"Amalfi Coast", Don Whitson

"Cumbia", Policarpa Williams-Harrison

"Atlanta City Glance", Shun Yao
Accepted artists listed in alphabetical order by surname:
Loretta Addison, Canada Geese
Andreea Alunei, Of Women and Mushrooms
Del Bentley Pounds, Freddie
Durinda Cheek, High Street
Rosie Coleman, NYC
Mary Ann Cox, NOLA Jazz
Kay Cromartie, Matched Pair
Audrey Crumbley, Whatchamacallit Thingamajig
Elizabeth Davis, White Poppy
Fran Dellaporta, Count Your Blessings
Amber Dong, Ode to Spring
Barbara Edwards, Keep Out
Karl Everett, Old Truck Greenhouse 2
Kerry Everett, Sebbie 2
Patrick Faile, Prickly Pear Fruit
Kathleen Rennell Forbes, Celebration in Paris
Tracy Foutz-Hunt, Another Day on Planet Earth
Karen Frattali, Nature's Abstraction
Echo Gates, Perpetual Spring
Arnold German, Cherries Galore
Warren Griffin, Marsh View
Leslie Guo, To the Best of Us
Lisa Guyton, Unapologetic Jaguar
Lori Hammer, Buddies
Joshua Hatfield, Caustic Heat
Lesleyann Hawthorn, The Dilemma
William Hook, Cannery Study 1
Cindy Inman, Nugget and Daisy
Drew Jernigan, Fritillaria imperialis “Orange Drop”
Kie Johnson, Whoosh
Myong Johnston, On the Road 3
Gail Karwoski, Rapt
Shannon Kelly, A Patch of Sunlight
Kim Kennedy, Diamorpha
Steve Kippels, You're Next
Mary Kirsch, SLASH
Mark Lang, Drift Wood, Buck Island, USVI
Paula Lansford, English Peony
William Lum, #692 Cedar Waxwing
Janice Matthews, Life's Music
Rebecca McDuffie, Blocking Traffic
William McKeown, Breezy
Mary Ellen McLaughlin, Pairpointe Compote with Berries
Rebecca Mentz, Is it Five Yet?
Carolyn Molder, Myers Cow
Yoshiko Murdick, A.J. Henry Park Trail
Karin Murray, Allusive Metaphor
Verena Murvin, Blue Ladies
Daryl Nicholson, Do You Sea What I Sea?
Stan O'Bannon, Still Standing
Grace Outlaw, Thought and Memory
Sandra Parker, Rock Corral Ranch Stables
Mike Parramore, Bow View
Bonnie Rabert, Beyond the Blue
Barbara Ratner, Blue Ridge B&B
Richard Rice, Woodstock
Janet Rodekohr, Llarry the Llama
Karen Romani, Splendor in the Grass
Elena Scibelli, Color My World
Alan Smith, Around the Bend
Mary O Smith, Death Row
Mary Spellings, GMC-Me
Annie Strack, Watch your Step
Julian Tablada, Inn for Repairs
Suzanne Thigpen, Peaches on Foil
Dana Thompson, Tis the Season
Virginia Tinsley, View from Bell Mountain
Vicki Tucker, Head of the Class
Genia Tyson, Glorious Morning
Viviane Van Giesen, Lillies in the Mist
Christine Walker, Casting
Gail Watson, Going Green
Sandra Webster, Flamingos 4
Susan Wehling, Shelter from the Storm
Madelyn Wharton, Fading Love
Don Whitson, Amalfi Coast
Bill Whittaker, Resting at Cologne Cathedral
Policarpa Williams-Harrison, Cumbia
Suzanna Winton, What the Flock?
Shun Yao, Atlanta City Glance