Our Board of Directors

[Image Credit: “Promise of Peace“, Viviane Van Giesen]

The members of the Board of Directors not only serve as stewards, they dedicate their time and energy to fully support GWS in making all of our activities successful.

President: Viviane Van Giesen

First Vice President: Suzanne Thigpen

2025 National Exhibition Entry Chairs: Gail Watson & Jonah Miller

Recording Secretary: Janet Rodekohr

Treasurer: Peter Evans

Membership Chair: Tracy Hunt

Communications Chair: Steve Kippels
Communication Committee Member (emails): Jessica Lily

Community Outreach Chair: Paul Andino

Demonstration Chair: Vacant

Publicity Chair: Traci Kruger
Publicity Committee Member (National Catalog Publication): Robert Jorns

Sponsorship Chair: Veena Raj
Sponsorship Committee Member (Reciprocal Donations): Zee Nagao

Newsletter Editor: Melanie Eberhardt

Parliamentarian: Rosemary Segreti

Historian: Peter Evans

Webmaster: Connor Lesniak
Webmaster Committee Member (content): John Brice

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