2023 National Exhibition
The Georgia Watercolor Society was pleased to have the reknowned watercolorist John Salminen judge and jury our 2023 National Exhibition. It was on display at the Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Association and Art Center, from March 30 through May 19, 2023.

"Fishing Ship", Lyudmila Tomova, First Place

"Fetching the Buggy", Karen Sturm, Second Place

"The Road to Freedom - GW Bridge", Dorrie Rifkin, Third Place

"Mother Nurture", Robert Wardle, Fourth Place

"Campineanca", Andreea Alunei, Fifth Place

"Raspberries Squared", Chris Krupinski, Sixth Place

"Locomotion", Kathleen Conover, Seventh Place

"Treasure Hunting", Matthew Byrd, Eighth Place

"Nomad's Vision LI", Lynne Hardwick, Ninth Place

"Westminster Gothic", Laurie Goldstein-Warren, Tenth Place

"She Walks Alone", Elaine Daily-Birnbaum, Eleventh Place

"A Beautiful State of Mind", Diana Toma, Twelfth Place

"Dark Diner", Steve Kippels, Thirteenth Place

"Fly High Our Julie", Suzanne Acetta, Fourteenth Place

"Who's On First?", Alexis Lavine, Fifteenth Place

"A Brush With Light", Charles Sharpe, Sixteenth Place

"Order Up!", Stacy Lund Levy, Honorable Mention

"The Craftsman", James Brantley, Honorable Mention

"Living Under Conflict", Ron Malone, Honorable Mention

"The Chalk Artist XV", Kathy Simon-McDonald, Honorable Mention

"Where Am I?", Brian Hartmann, People's Choice Award

"Trumpets", Christine Alfery

"Aligator Blues", Sherry Allen

"Memories in Limbo - Dementia #5", Paul Andino

"Swirling Serenity", Rachel Ankirskiy

"Is She Coming?", Helen Beacham

"Pictures at an Exhibition Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle", Bruce Bobick

"Dance of the Seven Sails", Marilynn Bradley

"Sunlit Pears", Sharron Burns

"Ceiling of the Pantheon", Allan Butt

"The Stoic", Elizabeth Carr

"Still Life of Raw Meat", Amber Dong

"Stronger Than You Think", Jacqueline Dorsey

"Look What Fell in my Lap", Sally Evans

"Becoming", Edie Fagan

"Bullseye", Steve Garner

"The Art of Being Human", Kim Granhaug

"Trapeze at Sunset", Leslie Guo

"Franklin Street Ginkos", John Hancock

"Sunshine on my Shoulders", Janine Helton

"Blue Yonder", Kristin Herzog

"Summer Desert", Anne Hightower-Patterson

"Cosplay in the Big Apple", Catherine Hillis

"The Studio", Carol Hubbars

"Stringing a Thought 2 - Purple Passion", John James

"Irresistible", Kie Johnson

"Crucian Carnaval Series XXXI", Michele Tabor Kimbrough

"Starry Eyed Riddims," Mary Kirsch

"Sunrise 3", Kathy Kitz

"Squarely", Lynne Kroll

"On the Fringe", Rebecca Krutsinger

"Bluebird Flying" Helen Kuykendall

"Arches", William McKeown

"By the Long Way", Georgia Mason

"Perservering", Rebecca Mentz

"The One That Didn't Get Away", Susan Monroe

"Slip Sliding Away", Audrey Montgomery

"Forged in Fire", Nancy Paden

"Old Forest", Yoshiko Murdick

"Trail Ride", Sue Pink

"Sunset Over Pass Christian Harbor", Mary Powell

"Collected Things", Ashley Rafferty

"The Bird Gate", Jill Hassal Rees

"Warming Up", April Rimpo

"Almost Back", Barbara Rohde

"The Grass is Always Greener", Karen Schaaf

"Look of Love", Margaret Schneider

"Sunrise Madison, NH", Joshua Searcy

Al Fresco", Rosemary Segreti

"Snap, Crackle, Pop!", Linda Slattery Sherman

"Releasing from Within", Jen Singh

"MADniss", Ric Skees

"Here's Looking At You Kid", E. Stoddard

"Through the Pub Window", Susan Stuller

"Key West Conch", Don Taylor

"Zebra #2", Suzanne Thigpen

"Shogun", David Thomas

"Stepladder", Brenda Turner

"A Raucous Breakfast", Viviane Van Giesen

"Norm 3", Sandra Webster

"Shore Lunch Preparation", Carolyn Wilder
Artists listed in alphabetical order by surname:
Suzanne Accetta, Fly High Our Julie
Christine Alfery, Trumpets
Sherry Allen, Alligator Blues
Andreea Alunei, Campineanca
Paul L. Andino, Memories in Limbo - Dementia #5
Rachel Ankirskiy, Swirling Serenity
Helen Beacham, Is She Coming?
Matthew Bird, Treasure Hunting
Bruce Bobick, Pictures at An Exhibition: Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle
Marilynne Bradley, Dance of the Seven Sails
James Brantley, The Craftsman
Sharron Burns, Sunlit Pears
Allan Butt, Ceiling of the Pantheon
Elizabeth Carr, Stoic
Kathleen Conover, Locomotion
Elaine Daily-Birnbaum, She Walks Alone
Amber Dong, Still Life of Raw Meat
Jacqueline Dorsey, Stronger Than You Think
Sally Evans, Look What Fell In My Lap
Edie Fagan, Becoming
Robbie Fitzpatrick, Out of the Fire
Steve Garner, Bullseye 1
Laurie Goldstein-Warren, Westminster Gothic
Kim Granhaug, The Art of Being Human
Leslie Guo, Trapeze at Sunset
John Hancock, Franklin Street Gingkos
Lynne Hardwick, Nomad's Vision LI
Brian Hartmann, Where Am I
Janine Helton, Sunshine on my Shoulders
Kristin Herzog, Blue Yonder 1
Anne Hightower-Patterson, Summer Desert
Catherine Hillis, Cosplay In the Big Apple
Carol Hubbars, The Studio
John James, Stringing a Thought 2-Purple Passion
Kie Johnson, Irresistible
Michele Tabor Kimbrough, Crucian Carnival Series XXXI
Steve Kippels, Dark Diner
Mary Kirsch, Starry-Eyed Riddims
Kathy Kitz, Sunrise 3
lynne Kroll, Squarely
Chris Krupinski, Raspberries Squared
Rebecca Krutsinger, On the Fringe
Helen Kuykendall, Bluebird Flying
Alexis Lavine, Who's on First?
Fealing Lin, Waiting
Stacy Lund Levy, Order Up!
Ron Malone, Living Under Conflict
Georgia Mason, By the Long Way
William McKeown, Arches
Rebecca Mentz, Persevering
Susan Monroe, The One That Didn't Get Away
Audrey Montgomery, Slip Sliding Away
Yoshiko Murdick, Old Forest
Nancy Paden, Forged In Fire
Sue Pink, Trail Ride
Mary Powell, Sunset Over Pass Christian Harbor
Ashley Rafferty, Collected Things
Jill Hassall Rees, The Bird Gate
Dorrie Rifkin, The Road to Freedom - GW Bridge
April Rimpo, Warming Up
Barbara Rohde, Almost Back
Karen Schaaf, The Grass Is Always Greener
Margaret Schneider, Look of Love
Joshua Searcy, Sunrise Madison, NH
Rosemary Segreti, Al fresco
Charles Sharpe, A Brush With Light
Linda Slattery Sherman, Snap Crackle Pop
Kathy Simon-McDonald, The Chalk Artist XV
Jen Singh, Releasing From Within
Ric Skees, MADniss
Mary Spellings, Life's A Vapor
Robert Stedman, Morning After
E Stoddard, Here's Looking at You Kid
Susan Stuller, Through The Pub Window
Karen Sturm, Fetching The Buggy
Don Taylor, Key West Conch
Suzanne Thigpen, Zebra #2
David Thomas, Shogun
Diana Toma, A Beautiful State of Mind
Lyudmila Tomova, Fishing Ship
Brenda Turner, Stepladder
Viviane Van Giesen, A Raucous Breakfast
Robert Wardle, Mother Nature
Sandra Webster, Norm 3
Carolyn Wilder, Shore Lunch Preparation