Frequently Asked Questions
[Image Credit: “Summer Flags”, Sally Evans]
Please reach out to us at inquiries@georgiawatercolorsociety.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
GWS History and Outreach
The Georgia Watercolor Society was formed in March, 1975. It was organized to promote and advance the art of watercolor painting as a rich and vibrant medium in the state of Georgia. It also provides support and assistance for its members and others endeavoring in the field of watercolor painting.
The Georgia Watercolor Society (GWS) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) art organization founded to promote the joy of watercolor through education, demonstrations, workshops, outreach programs and juried competitions.
Judy Greenberg was the 2010-2011 GWS President after serving on the GWS Board for several years. As President, Judy initiated the policy of giving back to the community. After a long battle with ovarian cancer, she passed away in 2015. In 2016, the Judy Greenberg High School Senior Scholarship Exhibition (JGHSSSE) was established in her honor. An exhibition and sale of Judy’s original watercolors and signed prints (donated by her family) was held at Binders, with proceeds going to a fund to be used as prize money to award high school seniors. This was Judy’s request the week before her death. In 2020, GWS started collaborating with the Atlanta High School Art Exhibition and the Dogwood Festival in Piedmont Park to honor watercolor artists in the Atlanta area high schools. Please see www.ahsae.info for more information. GWS board members judge and select award winners. GWS presents the high school seniors with cash awards sponsored by the Judy Greenberg Fund. To learn more visit the Outreach Program page.
Click here for the current list of Board members.
Membership and Volunteering
Membership in the Georgia Watercolor Society is open to both residents and non-residents of Georgia who are interested in promoting the art of watercolor. Dues for new and renewing membership are $50 per year. A Life Membership is available for $500 (one-time payment). A Student Membership is $25 per year for full-time students. A Family Membership is $70 for two members at the same address. Patron membership is $100 per year. To become a member, click on this link Become a GWS Member
Membership in the Georgia Watercolor Society is a great way to meet other watercolorists and keep up with the art of watercolor in Georgia. Our two annual juried exhibitions provide an opportunity to see some of the best of what is being accomplished in watercolor today. Each member receives discounted workshop rates and a complementary catalog of the National Exhibition. Members can apply to the annual members-only juried exhibition offering opportunity to exhibit in various venues in Georgia. Our newsletter features articles about both watercolorists and watercolor techniques. Members can announce their art news and workshops in the newsletters. GWS-sponsored watercolor demonstrations give members opportunities to explore techniques. Our website provides many opportunities for you to get exposure for your art. As a member you can post your work on the GWS Facebook Group Page and see what other members are working on, exchange information about events and art materials, and exchange critique about members’ watercolors. Members are also afforded a discount at AirFloat, the preferred packaging for shipping artwork. Most of all, joining GWS helps to promote watercolor as a rich and vibrant medium throughout Georgia.
GWS has nine membership categories:
1. Associate Member - Any member who pays annual dues, regardless of place of residence.
2. Exhibiting Member - must enter, have been accepted and exhibit at least one watercolor painting in one GWS exhibition.
3. Signature Member - Status granted to members who earn three points as follows: one point for every National Exhibition, one-half for every Member Exhibition. In addition, Signature Members need to be selected for at least one National Exhibition.
4. Lifetime member - any member who has paid the one-time Lifetime membership dues to the Society. A Lifetime member is excused from further payment of dues.
5. Honorary Membership - this status is voted on and given by the Board in recognition for outstanding contributions to the Society and requires no payment of dues.
6. Patron Member - has an interest in art and may become a patron of the Society by making an annual contribution of $100 or more.
7. Student member - Student membership is open to any high school or college student 17 to 22 years of age.
8. Benefactor Status - reserved for persons interested in supporting the arts and efforts of the Society by making a one-time contribution of $1,500 or more.
9. Family Membership - allowed for two members who live in the same household. They may pay dues at a lesser amount than for two individual members. They will receive one set of materials sent to GWS members.
Signature membership is granted to those who earn three points as follows: one point for every National Exhibition, one-half point for every Member Exhibition. You need to be selected and exhibit in at least one National Exhibition. You must be a current member to receive credit points. Signature Members are required to pay annual dues to retain Signature status. If there is a lapse in membership, previous points are not retained. To recover lost points or Signature status, a member must pay back dues.
The possibilities are endless when it comes to volunteering at GWS. Whether you are a behind the scenes person or one who desires other artist interaction, you will find a great match. Tasks and roles include a range of responsibility level. Volunteers can assist with the exhibitions, awards, the newsletter, demonstrations - all the way to full Board positions. Please email inquires@georgiawatercolorsociety.com to find out more.
GWS holds two Juried Exhibitions per year: the National Exhibition and the Member Exhibition.
The National Exhibition is held in the spring and is open to all water media artists in the United States. Awards in the National Exhibitions typically total $8,000 – $10,000 in cash and merchandise. It is advisable to thoroughly read the prospectus to ensure eligibility.
The Member Exhibition, held in the fall, is open exclusively to GWS members. Awards in the Member Exhibitions typically total $2,500 in cash. One can join as a member at the time of the Exhibition. It is advisable to thoroughly read the prospectus to ensure eligibility.
Entry Submissions
All paintings must be original work using water-soluble media. No reproductions or preprinted images are allowed. All work must be original from conception to completion. Submitted artwork may not be a copy, likeness, nor direct derivative of another person’s creative work, whether paintings, drawings, photography, digital images, or prints. Work done in a workshop or under classroom supervision is not permitted. All work must have been completed within the last two years (see exact date on prospectus) and not previously exhibited in any GWS exhibition. No exceptions will be made. Work previously exhibited in any GWS show is not eligible.
All paintings must be original work using water-soluble media. GWS allows the following watermedia: watercolor, acrylic, casein, gouache, egg tempera, acrylic ink, and batik using watermedia along with wax resist on paper. Media not allowed: pastels, charcoal, alcohol ink, oil, and water-soluble oil.
In addition to watercolor paper, GWS allows paintings created on Yupo, watercolor canvas, canvas, Claybord or Aquabord, rice paper and Tyvek.
Mixed media and collage are acceptable but only if all elements are made using watermedia created by the artist. No reproductions or preprinted material are allowed.
Maximum size frame may not exceed 48 inches on any side. (NOTE: For the 2025 National Show at the Morris Museum in Augusta, Georgia, the size limit will be 40 inches on any side.)
Painting size displayed within the mat is no smaller than 80 square inches with no side smaller than 8 inches.
Frames are to be plain and unadorned and should not exceed 3” in width.
All paintings are to be framed in wood or metal; accepted colors include gold, silver, black, brown, white, or natural wood tones. Frames are to be plain and unadorned and should not exceed 3” in width (one single bevel, no beading, no distressed painting). They must be ready for hanging with wire in place.
To confirm that your frame is acceptable check this link Examples of frames accepted at GWS Exhibitions.
Paintings Cradled Claybord or Aquabord are not required to be framed if the paintings are waxed or varnished; all other paintings require framing, including canvas.
Glass is NOT allowed. Plexiglass must be used. Varnished or waxed Cradlebord or Aquabord do not require plexiglass. Watercolor paintings that are varnished or waxed do NOT require plexiglass.
If the painting is waxed or varnished, the cradling may substitute for a frame.
Mats or liners, if any, must be white or a light neutral color.
If the painting is improperly framed or unsuitable for hanging, we will call the artist and ask permission to bring it to a frame shop and fix the problem. The artist will be responsible for any charges. If the artist refuses to fix the problem, the painting will be returned and the artist ineligible to enter a GWS show for ONE YEAR.
Although the utmost care will be taken in handling paintings, the Georgia Watercolor Society, GWS representatives, and the venue/gallery will not be responsible for damage or loss, whatever the cause. Artists are encouraged to carry their own insurance.
Submitted artwork may not be a copy, likeness, or a direct derivative of another person’s creative work. This includes other’s photography. Simply put, if your painting is a derivative of a photo, that photo must have been taken by you.
There are scenarios in which minor elements of someone else’s photo might be added to your painting or comprise a minor element in your painting. This would be possible if it does not retain the key story and composition of the original photo and you have received permission from the photographer or owner of the copyright.
No, it is not eligible for submission. If the magic of your painting comes from the magic of the photograph, then the idea, image and/or composition are not your own.
It depends upon the reference. If you are making a faithful rendering of a photo from another artist’s work, then no. If you are digging among old family photos or antique photos which were created more as documentation than as a creative product, then yes. Again, be cognizant of copyright issues.
Ask your friend first but then ask yourself if you are using your friend’s vision for the idea, magic and composition of your painting. If yes, then don’t use it. We want to see paintings through your eyes! If you feel like you are making enough changes to make it your own, then use your best judgment.
The more you move from the original photo reference the more you move away from appropriating or plagiarizing another person’s creative work. It is often hard to tell if you are inspired by other artists’ work or if you are appropriating their work. Our metric as a board will simply be if we recognize your reference photo as someone else’s work.
No, the painting must be based on your idea, magic and composition.
Read the prospectus carefully, which is available on the website usually 8 – 12 weeks before the deadline to submit entries. The prospectus will include a link that will bring you to the CaFÉ™ Call for Entry website. Follow directions included on the CaFÉ™ website. Save a copy for your reference.