“Lost in Thought”, Paul L. Andino
Become a Member
Membership in the Georgia Watercolor Society is open to both residents and non-residents of Georgia who are interested in promoting the art of watercolor. We welcome beginners. GWS membership is open to anyone with an interest in watercolor, regardless of experience.
Membership includes quarterly newsletters, discounts on art supplies, short-term workshops, critique sessions, discounts on workshops, discounts on entry fees for GWS shows, low-cost exhibition space on GWS Website, full-color catalog of paintings from GWS National Exhibits, and other benefits. This is the best way you can spend $50.
The membership year begins January 1 and ends December 31. Annual Dues are payable by January 31. Dues paid in October, November or December will apply for the following year. Dues must be paid annually to maintain points for Signature status (except for Lifetime members).
“Grandmother’s Watch”, Suzanne Thigpen
Choose your membership level:
Click on any of the membership levels below and fill out the accompanying form to add a membership to your cart. To complete membership registration, you must check out by clicking on the shopping cart at the top of this page.
Provides membership for anyone with an interest in watercolor/watermedia, regardless of experience or ability.
Provides membership for two members living in the same household with an interest in watercolor/watermedia, a savings of $30 per annum.
Provides membership for anyone interested in supporting the arts and efforts of GWS through an annual contribution.
Provides active membership for life for anyone with an interest in watercolor/watermedia.
Student membership is open to any high school or college student 17 to 22 years of age.
Prefer to register by mail?
Are you more comfortable registering by mail? We’re happy to accept checks and registration forms mailed directly. Please download and complete our registration form here, then mail to:
Georgia Watercolor Society Treasurer
116 Laurel Overlook, Canton, GA 30114

Signature Membership
Signature membership is granted to those who earn three points as follows: one point for every National Exhibition, one-half point for every Member Exhibition. You need to be selected and exhibit in at least one National Exhibition. You must be a current member to receive credit points. Signature Members are required to pay annual dues to retain Signature status. If there is a lapse in membership, previous points are not retained. To recover lost points or Signature status, a member must pay back dues.
[Image Credit: “Beach Blooms”, Ludmila Harrison]
Periodically, members lapse in payment for annual dues. If you would like to provide payment for past dues, you have two options: you can submit a check payable to Georgia Watercolor Society to the address listed above, or PayPal us directly. If you know it, include your member number in the notes of your check.