We are proud to present the 2025
Georgia Watercolor Society National Show
All accepted entries are shown in alphabetical order by the artist’s name

Suzanne Accetta, "Soaring with Rainbows" (Eleventh Place)

Christine Alfery

John Amoss, "Springtime for Margaret"

Rick Anderson, "Rainbow Reflections:

Sharon Anderson, "Mozelle"

Tony Armendariz, "Wilson Tells It" (Twelfth Place)

Lisa Arnold-Franklin, "Angle Moves" (Sixth Place)

Bruce Bobick, "St. Jacques II"

Marilynne Bradely, "Chapel in the Woods"

Sharron Burns, "Windows of Nature"

Allan Butt, "The Eiffel"

Jannell Carney, "Forest Floor"

Rosie Coleman, "BFF"

Lauri Cordaro, "Dancing Ladies"

Jay DeChesere, "Atypical Paris Street Corner"

Jackie Dorsey, "Negative Space"

Toni Elkins, "Remembering Three #2"

Donald Farrell, "Gentle Giant"

Emily Faust, "University City"

Z Feng, "River Boating"

Steve Garner, "The Karges Farm"

Echo Gates, "Mimi's Gardenias"

Leslie Guo, "Afternoon Light" (Honorable Mention)

Patricia Hahn, "Colors are the Smiles of Nature"

Ludmilla Harrison

Kristin Herzog, "As the Crow Flies II"

Travis Hicks, "Laughing Through Leukemia" (Seventh Place)

Anne Hightower-Patterson, "Look Who's Coming"

Catherine Hillis, "Up is Down and Down is Up"

Elly Hobgood, "Garden Fresh"

William Hook, "Johnson Plumbing"

Chao-Ying Hsieh, "White Language"

Jeff Ishikawa, "Decomposition"

John James, "Stringing a Thought"

Kie Johnson, "Foot Work"

Kelly Shannon, "Tunneling"

Steve Kippels, "5AM Balloon Ride"

Mary Kirsch, "Comfort Zone"

Kris Krupinski, "Shades of Red" (Second Place)

Rebecca Krutsinger, "Grackle" (Fifth Place)

Alexis Lavine. "At the Gate"

Jessica Lily, "Sage Wisdom (A Rose for Myself and My Older Self)" (Fourth Place)

Bruce Little, "Plant Riverside Exhaust Tower"

William Lum, "#797 Pensacola"

Stacy Lund-Levy, "Descent"

Georgia Mason, "Singing the Blues"

Laurin McCracken, "Lots of Color"

Robert Mejer, "Impulse VII"

Rebecca Mentz, "Resting Faith"

Marian O'Shaughnessy, "Southern Stingray"

Elizabeth Purcell, "Caroline"

Bonnie Rabert, "Seeking it's Own Level"

Dorrie Rifkin, "Three Stooges"

Judy Saltzman, "Riding the Waves" (Honorable Mention)

Suzy Schultz, "A Prayer for Rain" (First Place)

Bonnie Sedlak, "Patches"

Charles Sharpe, "Painted the Town Red"

Kathy Simon-McDonald, "Dancing Koi"

Jen Singh, "Windswept"

Ric Skees, "Kat-Like"

Alan Smith, "Shackelton's Farm

Mary Spellings "Chev-ro-lay"

Annie Strack, "Left or Right"

Susan Stuller, "Whiskey Reflections"

Don Taylor, "Costa Rica Croc"

Dana Thompson, "Seeking Salvation"

Michael Tibor, "St. Catherine's Church"

Lyudmila Tomova, "Heart of the Forge" (Ninth Place)

Viviane Van Giesen, "New Year in Mariazell"

Rachel Varner, "Diana's Patio" (Eighth Place)

Christine Walker, "The Guardian"

Judy Walker, "4th of July" (Third Place)

Gail Watson, "Annoyed Heron"

Sandra Webster, "Sundown Dreams" (Honorable Mention)

Don Whitson, "Patiently Waiting"

Bill Whitaker, "Bilbao"

Jane Wise, "The Christmas Orange"

Craig Wright, "Cactus Patch" (Tenth Place)

Chirstopher Wynn, "Ramifications"

Brian Zell, "Misty Dusk"