2025 Workshops

“Necessary Tools” (excerpt), Russell Jewel

Russell Jewel
Workshop Instructor and Exhibition Juror

Our next workshop will be August 13-15, 2025 at Gilmer Arts in Elijay, Georgia.

Our instructor will be Russell Jewel, AWS, NWS, TWSA.

A demonstration by Mr Jewell and the 2025 Member Award Ceremonty will be August, 16, 2025

Russell Jewell is an internationally recognized plein air painter with signature memberships in the American Watercolor Society, National Watercolor Society and The Transparent Watercolor Society of America. His work recently traveled with the American Watercolor Society exhibition.  His accomplishments include a doctorate in Art Education from the University of Georgia and a Fulbright Memorial fund scholarship to Japan. Jewell’s most recent awards include: Mountain Maryland Plein Air: Best Architecture, Gloucester Arts Festival Plein Air: Best Architecture and The Eastern Shore Plein Air Agricultural Collection museum purchase award during Plein Air Easton competition. Russell Jewell is represented by Wells Gallery at the Sanctuary on Kiawah Island, SC. In November 2023 Russell Jewell’s work was published in a feature article "Under the Sicilian Sun" in Plein Air Magazine.  

“Clubhouse Shadows”, Russell Jewel

Gilmer Arts is located at 207 Dalton Street, Ellijay, GA 30540

Workshops for 2026 and beyond…

April 2026

The Carrolton Center for the Arts, Carrollton, Georgia
Juror and Workshop Instructor:
Carol Carter
Workshop: April 15-17, 2026
Demo and Awards Ceremony: April 18, 2026

Carol Carter, “Woman with a Past”

September 2026

The Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation, Watkinsville, Georgia
Juror and Workshop Instructor:
Diana Toma
September 2026-further details will be forthcoming.

Diana Toma, “Paris, Las Vegas”

Spring 2027

We are currently in discussion with the Callanwolde Fine Arts Center to hold our 2027 National Exhibition and Workshop at their facility at 980 Briarcliff Road NE in Atlanta, Georgia.