Frame Requirements for Exhibitions
All paintings are to be framed in wood or metal; acceptable colors include gold, silver, black, brown, white or natural wood tones. Frames are to be plain and unadorned and should not exceed 3” in width. They must be ready for hanging with wire in place. Plexiglass must be used – NO GLASS. Work may be varnished or waxed before framing (These paintings do not require plexiglass). Maximum frame size may not exceed 48” in either direction. Mats or liners, if any, must be white or a light neutral color. Improperly framed pieces or those unsuitable for hanging will be returned.
Following are some frames that exhibitors have submitted for clarification when entering GWS shows. They are included here to help you determine if your frame meets the requirements.
Examples of Permitted Frames

Examples of Frames that are NOT Permitted